Future Tech Wall

The Future City module illustrates network data, tracking visitors' motions and visually connecting them to the abstracted urban infrastructure.

- Prototyping

- Software Engineering

The Future Tech Wall, located at Nokia Bell Labs' executive briefing center, is a custom LED display that welcomes visitors with interactive content illustrating the future of networking technologies.

As lead developer, I built a series of interactive applications for the wall, accessed by staff through iPad remote. An abstract, geometric city presents future network scenarios, visualizing communication via randomized beams of glowing light. A gaming module invites visitors to play ball with their silhouettes - with and without the burden of network lag time. Additional modules present customized animated greetings and visualize guest presence using proprietary Bell Labs technology.

AGENCY: Moey, Inc.


Email Icon: ps @ patricksnee.com
CV Icon: cv / resume
LinkedIn Icon: linkedin.com/in/patrick-snee
Instagram Icon: @mnemonic.studio
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